Pueblo School Calendar

Click here to view our calendar:

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

Free Self Defense Seminar this Wednesday!



WHEN: OCTOBER 3, after school 2:45-4:00





WHO: MR. TOM HICKS WILL BE PRESENTING. Mr. Hicks is the first blind veteran to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro

Thursday, September 13, 2012

School Cents Updates- enter to win Justin Beiber tickets!

Help Pueblo Earn $250 to $3,000

Saturday, September 15 from 2:30 to 4:30pm

Join Radio Disney AM 1580 and sign in at the table
near the lower level Macy’s court to earn 500 points per person.

Enter to win a pair of tickets to Justin Bieber’s concert inside the Radio Disney Suite,
plus, do your best Justin Bieber impersonation for a chance to win VIP seats

EARN 500 POINTS on Facebook
Like facebook.com/ShopChandlerFashionCenter and click on School Cents
to select your school and earn 500 points. Limit one per Facebook fan.

Friday, July 27, 2012

It's a new school year!

We are gearing up for the start of a new school year!  Please take a look at the following opportunities to help out!

Donations needed for Back to School Staff Breakfast
Pueblo PTO Hospitality Committee will be hosting a “Welcome Back” breakfast for the Pueblo Staff. If you are able to donate breakfast items, please go to the following link to sign up. Bring the items to the school on Monday July 30th by 2pm. If you are donating cash, please put the cash in a sealed envelop labeled “Welcome Back Breakfast” and drop it off at the front office.

We are also looking for volunteers to help with distributing schedules at our Meet the Teacher Event on August 1st from 5-7 p.m. Please to the link below to sign up. Students are welcome to help!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Chandler Youth Academy

Officer Dieu will be hosting the Chandler Youth Academy during spring break at the Chandler Police Main Station.  The Chandler Youth Academy is a one-week program, which gives Chandler teens the opportunity to learn about various jobs and functions within the Chandler Police Department. Officers from the Traffic Unit, Patrol Division, Bike Team, K-9 and Community Resources and Training Section instruct students. Students get involved with hands-on activities which provides  them with a valuable learning experience and insight into police procedures, such as use of force, forensics, crime scene investigation and much more.

The Youth Academy was created to develop citizen awareness and understanding of the role of law enforcement. The Youth Academy is designed to educate students that working together can promote a safer community.

Spring Youth Academy – March 12, 2012 through March 16, 2012

The Academy runs Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

There is no charge for the Academy, and lunch is provided. Space is limited.

Go to http://chandlerpd.com/community/youth-academy/  to register. For questions contact Kat Smart in the Crime Prevention Unit at 480-782-4521

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Digital Citizenship Training for PARENTS

Hello to our Pueblo Community!

As a follow up to the communication sent last Friday we wanted to announce the day and time of the parent training which will be held at Pueblo.

Parents, Teach your kids how to be a good digital citizen.

Tuesday, February 21st
6:30 pm
Pueblo MPR
Training will include:
· Proper use and respect for technology
· Cyber Safety Tips for parents and teens
· The latest online trends

Thank you ,
Pueblo Administration

Monday, February 6, 2012

IMPORTANT Letter from our Principal:

February 3, 2012

Early adolescence is a time of rapid physical, emotional and intellectual growth. Even though our children are demanding privacy and independence from the adults in their lives, it is important for parents and teachers to stay as informed as possible. During the middle school years, supervision and guidance remains important for healthy development. At Pueblo we place a high value on the strong partnership we have with parents and feel that it is important to share some information with you so that you can support your children.

The electronic age has significantly changed the way that students not only gain information, but share it. At a young age, decisions children make can have serious legal and social consequences. Often children of this age do not understand the fine line between appropriate and inappropriate information to share with others. In fact, they likely have no idea that some of their actions are illegal or may follow them for the rest of their lives.

Recently, our administration has learned of Pueblo students engaging in inappropriate actions at home, using newer technologies and social media outlets. The social networking phenomenon has even further blurred the lines among school, home, and the community at large. The attraction and access to social networks by children who are still developing emotionally, makes it critical for all of us to be aware of and monitor all forms of electronic devices and media within the reach of children. Students have access to social networks not only through computers, but smartphones, Tablets, iPods, MP3 players, Kindles/Nooks and any device that has internet capabilities.

Pueblo Middle School and the Kyrene School District continue to be proactive in educating students and parents in a variety of ways so that we can work together to ensure the safety and well-being of our children. Pueblo administration, along with our School Resource Officer, Steven Dieu, will be holding team meetings at each grade level to discuss the appropriate use of social media, along with the Kyrene School District guidelines on electronic technology at school. We are also in the process of scheduling a parent education night taught by Officer Dieu. This training will be centered on ways parents can monitor their children’s access to social media and increase their understanding of how students are utilizing social media. Information will be sent home on Monday, February 6th, with the date and time of the training.

Thank you for working with us as together we seek to ensure the health, safety, and academic success of all children within our care.

Sincerely yours,


Jama Nacke, Principal

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Kyrene Citizen’s Budget Updates Overview

Schedule below - (1 hour and 15 minutes EACH)

Format:  Every attendee will sign in and be provided an index card for questions and comments so that all questions and suggestions are captured, comments can be recorded and all topic areas can be addressed in the limited time.

· 10 or less community and staff attendees will result in an informal circle and dialogue format.  Ground rules will be less formal allowing multiple questions from each attendee.

· 11 or more community and staff attendees will result in a panel/moderator format. Ground rules will  be more formal to allow for all topic areas to be addressed.


January 26, 2012

Centennial Middle School Library

13808 S. 36th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85044

(view map)

(480) 783-2500

6:00 pm to 7:15 pm


February 1, 2012

Aprende Middle School Library

777 N. Desert Breeze Blvd. East #2, Chandler, AZ 85226

(view map)

(480) 783-2200

6:00 pm to 7:15 pm


February 2, 2012

AltadeƱa Middle School Library

14620 S. Desert Foothills Parkway, Phoenix, AZ 85048 (view map)

(480) 783-1300

6:00 pm to 7:15 pm


February 2, 2012

District Office, Training Room 4

8700 S. Kyrene Road, Tempe, AZ 85284

(Will be recorded & posted on website)

11:30 am to 12:45 pm


February 8, 2012

Pueblo Middle School Library

360 S. Twelve Oaks Boulevard, Chandler, AZ 85226 (view map)

(480) 783-2400

6:00 pm to 7:15 pm


February 9, 2012

Akimel A-al Middle School Library

2720 E Liberty Lane, Phoenix, Arizona 85048 (view map)

(480) 783-1600

6:00 pm to 7:15 pm


TBD: Feb. 15 or 16?

Kyrene Middle School Library

1050 E. Carver Road, Tempe, AZ 85284

(view map)

(480) 783-1000

6:00 pm to 7:15 pm


If community members are unable to attend the meeting in their region, they may attend any other meeting. We will videotape the February 2nd meeting and make it available to all parents and community members online.

The information from these Citizen’s Budget Update sessions will be taken into consideration by the Superintendent along with other information, data, and advice from a multitude of sources as he formulates a final 2012-13 budget recommendation to the Governing Board.  To view the Budget Process Map click here.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Kyrene Budget Cuts

The following helpful information regarding Kyrene District Budget Cuts was compiled by the Parent Network, an organization of parents within the Tempe Union and Kyrene School Districts. Please read through the information so that you are aware of potential changes affecting our district.

Attached you will find a worksheet showing the 2011-2012 Budget Cut Projected vs Actual Savings.

Thank you,


Some important changes are coming for the next school year in Kyrene. This is the time to pay attention, so come August, there are no surprises when your child(children) returns to their school.  Kyrene will be facing another year of serious budget cuts impacting the 2012-2013 school year.  An estimated 3 to 5 million dollars will be slashed.

Please consider passing this information on to other parents and community members in your neighborhood and school.   Everyone should be aware of upcoming changes in education impacting our kids. 

*See upcoming meeting information at the bottom of this email.

Proposed cuts for 2012-13 
Projected $5.3 million deficit.
Proposal to board:
to fund free ADK (at an estimated cost of $2 million)
- reduce insurance prepayments-initiate a transfer of Capital Outlay Rev. Limit funds
Two revenue generating proposals:
- lease of land owned by the District
- an expansion of community education programs
Reductions in: 
- transportation
- custodial services
- District Office budget
- Department and Staff
- math and literacy coaches
- other staff reductions
- changes to the middle school program

Revenue/savings from these proposals (including budget cuts for next year) is projected to range between $3.5 to $6.6 million.

Details on Middle School Program
Very little has been shared thus far on the proposed middle school changes.  It is expected that some recommendation from the middle school task force will be shared at the Jan 10 study session.  Thus far, the only details that have been shared are
- a budget reduction between $500,000 to $1 million (up to 18 positions being eliminated)
- a possible schedule consisting of six 60 minute classes (and no ac lab) which would reduce time in core classes, possibly increase class time in electives or allow for more elective choices w/ less instruction time (4 electives w/ AB rotation), possibly create special electives for intervention and/or enrichment.  

Decisions on this will soon be made.  Now is the time to voice your questions and concerns.

Don't miss the Kyrene Study Session and Governing Board Meeting this Tuesday, January 10:

Study Session:  Tuesday, January 10, 5pm
At the last Study Session/GB meeting, the district was asked to identify at least $800,000 in cost savings/revenue to cover part of the cost of ADK. It is expected that this will be shared at the study session.
It is also anticipated that preliminary recommendations from the middle school task force will be shared.

While the value of free ADK is not disputed, the GB and community have asked for a very clear picture of how paying for free ADK impacts all students at all levels.  It is hoped that the details on where cuts will have to be made to pay for free ADK will be provided prior to the GB vote on ADK funding.

Governing Board Meeting:  Tuesday, January 10, 7pm

The Kyrene Governing Board is being asked to vote on the funding for All Day Kindergarten.  Don't miss attending for your own assessment of reasons for their action and your opportunity to address the GB to express your opinion if you wish.
How to address the Governing Board:   Audience members who wish to speak to the Governing Board, must fill out a blue card located on the table by the door.   Once filled out, bring it to the front counter area.  To the left, sits board secretary, Mary Ott, who will be happy to take these.  Speakers are limited to 3 minutes.   Amazing how this time flies, so if you want the board to understand your major points made, make 6 copies to give them.   (One for each board member and one for Superintendent).   The Board is not able to respond to comments made during the 5.0 section because those topics are not on the agenda.)

Contact Information to send Questions, Comments and Concerns

Superintendent: Dr. David Schauer, dschau@kyrene.org

Governing Board Members:  

Michelle Hirsch, mhirsch@kyrene.org
Ellen Shamah, eshamah@kyrene.org
Beth Brizel, bbrizel@kyrene.org
Bernadette Coggins, bcoggins@kyrene.org
Ross Robb, rrobb@kyrene.org

Contacts for involved parents in education issues:
Rosalie HIrano  rolohi@msn.com
Yvette David  ydavid@cox.net

If you have questions for us involved with the Parent Network or is there something we can assist you with regarding parent involvement/concern for all around quality education, let us know. We're happy to help.
Happy New Year to you and your family.

Sandy Lowe

Lisa Zyriek 
Eduarda Schroder

Someburros TODAY!

Eat at Someburros from 9am-10pm today and Pueblo earns 20% when you present our flyer.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

8th Grade Events


Click the link above for information regarding 2012 8th grade events and activities. Lots of fun for the kids!

9th Grade Parent VOLUNTEERS are needed to help things run smoothly. See the link for more information!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Changes- 5K Contest

Due to concerns with the fairness of an ACLab Competition where students must pay to participate, we have decided to forgo any competition in regards to the Family Fitness 5K.

This is an amazing event and all participants will be greatly rewarded personally through participation.

If you have any questions, please contact PTO at the following email address: Pueblo-PTO@hotmail.com

Thank you for your understanding~

Sunday, January 1, 2012

ACLab Contest & the 5K

~Join Pueblo~


22nd, 2012

Email: familyfitness5k@gmail.com


Sign up NOW for the 4th Annual Family Fitness 5K – 1/3 mile Run/Walk


See the Official Family Fitness 5K Website link above for additional information, to register online or to print out a registration form. Forms should be turned in to ACLab teachers or the front office.

This race is open to the community. All proceeds benefit healthy initiatives at both Pueblo Middle and Paloma Elementary schools.

At Pueblo: All of our portion of the proceeds go to into Pueblo’s ABC “Action Brain Connection” Program. This program facilitates a stronger learning environment by implementing physical activities that directly increase brain function and create better learners and healthier students.

BE SURE TO DESIGNATE “PUEBLO” ON YOUR REGISTRATION FORM as the school you would like your registration fee to support!