The following helpful information regarding Kyrene District Budget Cuts was compiled by the Parent Network, an organization of parents within the Tempe Union and Kyrene School Districts. Please read through the information so that you are aware of potential changes affecting our district.
Attached you will find a worksheet showing the 2011-2012 Budget Cut Projected vs Actual Savings.
Thank you,
Some important changes are coming for the next school year in Kyrene. This is the time to pay attention, so come August, there are no surprises when your child(children) returns to their school. Kyrene will be facing another year of serious budget cuts impacting the 2012-2013 school year. An estimated 3 to 5 million dollars will be slashed.
Please consider passing this information on to other parents and community members in your neighborhood and school. Everyone should be aware of upcoming changes in education impacting our kids.
*See upcoming meeting information at the bottom of this email.
Proposed cuts for 2012-13
Projected $5.3 million deficit.
Proposal to board:
- to fund free ADK (at an estimated cost of $2 million)
- reduce insurance prepayments-initiate a transfer of Capital Outlay Rev. Limit funds
Two revenue generating proposals:
- lease of land owned by the District
- an expansion of community education programs
Reductions in:
- transportation
- custodial services
- District Office budget
- Department and Staff
- math and literacy coaches
- other staff reductions
- changes to the middle school program
Revenue/savings from these proposals (including budget cuts for next year) is projected to range between $3.5 to $6.6 million.
Details on Middle School Program
Very little has been shared thus far on the proposed middle school changes. It is expected that some recommendation from the middle school task force will be shared at the Jan 10 study session. Thus far, the only details that have been shared are
- a budget reduction between $500,000 to $1 million (up to 18 positions being eliminated)
- a possible schedule consisting of six 60 minute classes (and no ac lab) which would reduce time in core classes, possibly increase class time in electives or allow for more elective choices w/ less instruction time (4 electives w/ AB rotation), possibly create special electives for intervention and/or enrichment.
Decisions on this will soon be made. Now is the time to voice your questions and concerns.
Don't miss the Kyrene Study Session and Governing Board Meeting this Tuesday, January 10:
Study Session: Tuesday, January 10, 5pm
At the last Study Session/GB meeting, the district was asked to identify at least $800,000 in cost savings/revenue to cover part of the cost of ADK. It is expected that this will be shared at the study session.
It is also anticipated that preliminary recommendations from the middle school task force will be shared.
While the value of free ADK is not disputed, the GB and community have asked for a very clear picture of how paying for free ADK impacts all students at all levels. It is hoped that the details on where cuts will have to be made to pay for free ADK will be provided prior to the GB vote on ADK funding.
Governing Board Meeting: Tuesday, January 10, 7pm
The Kyrene Governing Board is being asked to vote on the funding for All Day Kindergarten. Don't miss attending for your own assessment of reasons for their action and your opportunity to address the GB to express your opinion if you wish.
How to address the Governing Board: Audience members who wish to speak to the Governing Board, must fill out a blue card located on the table by the door. Once filled out, bring it to the front counter area. To the left, sits board secretary, Mary Ott, who will be happy to take these. Speakers are limited to 3 minutes. Amazing how this time flies, so if you want the board to understand your major points made, make 6 copies to give them. (One for each board member and one for Superintendent). The Board is not able to respond to comments made during the 5.0 section because those topics are not on the agenda.)
Contact Information to send Questions, Comments and Concerns
Superintendent: Dr. David Schauer,
Governing Board Members:
Michelle Hirsch,
Ellen Shamah,
Beth Brizel,
Bernadette Coggins,
Ross Robb,
Contacts for involved parents in education issues:
Rosalie HIrano
Yvette David
If you have questions for us involved with the Parent Network or is there something we can assist you with regarding parent involvement/concern for all around quality education, let us know. We're happy to help.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Sandy Lowe
Lisa Zyriek
Eduarda Schroder