Pueblo School Calendar

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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Family Fitness 5K – An Official Chandler Centennial Event!

Chandler100Color[1] A BIG Congratulations goes out to our amazing Family Fitness 5K Committee – we have officially become a Chandler Centennial Event!

The City of Chandler Website: http://chandleraz.gov/default.aspx?pageid=1027 

The Official Family Fitness 5K Website: http://familyfitness5k.blogspot.com/

FAMILY-FITNESS-2012-MAROON Look for more information about this annual event in the very near future. All proceeds from this event directly benefit healthy initiatives at both Kyrene de la Paloma Elementary and Kyrene del Pueblo Middle School. Last year this event raised over $2,000 for Pueblo’s ABC (Action Brain Connection) program while creating a healthier community!

BIG NEWS for this year’s run:


Save the date – Sunday, January 22, 2012

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Volunteer @ the School Store

The school store is a student favorite around campus and you will really enjoy interacting with these great young adults!

We need one adult and up to two students to work during each shift. At this time, the student volunteers are limited to 7th and 8th graders only and each individual student is limited to volunteering for 2 shifts.
Please follow this link to sign up:


All parent volunteers must be trained before signing up. If you have not been trained, email us for additional information.

Let us know if you have any questions by emailing Pueblo-PTO@hotmail.com

We can't do this without parent support - we truly appreciate you!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Children helping Children – Kyrene Foundation Fundraiser

All funds raised will directly benefit each of the 25 Kyrene Schools (elementary and middle schools) through the Kyrene Family Resource Center, teacher mini-grants, and student scholarships.

Please join the Kyrene Foundation for a breakfast fundraiser to help children and families in our own community

The “Children helping Children” event is

Saturday, August 27,
9:00 – 11:00 a.m. at The Castle at Ashley Manor.

Bring your family and enjoy breakfast, a children’s fashion show, sponsored by the GAP at Casa Paloma and live entertainment for all ages.

Children Helping Children is the newest fundraiser to benefit children and families of the Kyrene School District. This event is designed to get children involved in helping other children in their own community while having fun with family and friends.

Tickets for the breakfast are available for $20 per person or $50 per family.

To buy tickets, donate tickets for families in need, or for more information visit, www.childrenhelping.org We hope to see you there!

The Kyrene Foundation, is thankful for the support of The GAP at Casa Paloma, as they are donating time, clothes and many resources to make this event a success.

Information provided by:

Nancy Dudenhoefer, Community Relations Manager

Friday, August 19, 2011


Offering additional explanations about events/opportunities listed in the most recent email.

Library Enhancement Committee:

We want to brighten the look of our library and increase our book offerings. We need some great parents to help us with this endeavor. If you are interested in helping, and/or have contacts that can help us with book donations, please contact PTO www.hotmail.com]

2010-2011 PTO Donations to Pueblo:

Teacher Appreciation/Hospitality

$ 956.82

Teacher Breakfast/Hospitality

$ 223.31

Pueblo Excellence Awards

$ 50.00

Special Events-Table Cloths

$ 21.75

Paper Shredder/Front Office

$ 159.98

Teacher Gifts

$ 450.00

Weekly Readers-Top Dawgs

$ 216.00

Composition Notebooks-Falcons

$ 58.50

Stop Watches-8th Grade Science

$ 203.85

Lynn Walker Character Award

$ 800.00

WII Consoles (5K Run Funds)

$ 655.76

Safety Mirror/Poster Board Strips

$ 407.25

Donation to Library for Books Purchased

$ 998.57

Science World Magazine

$ 365.76

Soft Capital

$ 7,000.00


$ 12,567.55

Friday, August 12, 2011


Offering additional explanations about events/opportunities listed in the latest email.

Curriculum Nights: Please contact your teachers if you have questions. This information is from a past parent’s perspective.

The 6th grade Curriculum Nights differ from the 7th/8th grade night. The 6th grade teams meet separately and typically hold one large meeting with all parents. Sometimes students are invited (Spirit Dogs) but unless your team specifies that students are invited, you should assume that the meeting is geared toward the parents.

ALL of the 7th and 8th grade teams hold their Curriculum Nights together at the same time. Parents are encouraged to come with a copy of their student’s daily schedule. Parents meet in their child’s first period class and proceed to follow their child’s schedule throughout the evening meeting in each class for about 5 minutes. The bell will ring letting parents know when it’s time to switch classes. Students need not attend.

Courage Retreats:

Sponsored by Pueblo’s Administration, these retreats help our students find the Courage to stand up for what they believe to be right. They address bullying and how harsh words can affect others. This year we will have Courage Retreats are for our 6th grade students in August and similar “Awareness Days” for our 7th grade students later in the year. Our 8th graders have the opportunity to participate in “Minitown”. For additional information about the Courage Retreats, please read a post from our blog written last year. You can find it by following this link: http://pueblo-pto.blogspot.com/2010/09/what-is-courage-retreat.html Your donation of small treats will provide students will a snack for these events.

Family Fitness 5K:

This is a professionally run event which offers our community a 5K or 1 mile run/walk. This year our event has been selected as an official Chandler Centennial Designated Event. With the city celebrating their 100 year birthday in 2012, they will be including our event in their advertising. This run generated over $4,000 last year. We combine our efforts with our sister school, Paloma to provide our community with this fun event. At Pueblo, we donate all funds earned through this run to our ABC (Action Brain Connection) program. This program helps encourage healthy, active kids at our school. If you are interested in helping to plan this event, the first meeting is at 3:00pm this Saturday, August 13th in the Sunset Library’s Community Room.

Restaurant Nights:

Pueblo PTO hosts monthly Restaurant Nights. We like to call them “Eat for Pueblo Nights”. Everyone has to eat right? So why not take the night off and let someone else do the cooking and earn money for our school at the same time? You just need to show the flier when you order. This month we are eating with Jimmy & Joes Pizza just east of McClintock and north of Ray. The flier is attached.

School Store:
This is the 2nd year that PTO has managed the school store. It’s a great place to stop in for all of your school spirit needs. The store is located in room J-8 and is open for business every Wednesday and Friday before school. Students should stop by and check it out. We also provide basic school supplies. Look for an online list of products and pricing coming soon. The school store also provides our NJHS students an opportunity to earn In-School service hours. We ask for 2 students and 1 adult to volunteer each day. Student Volunteers are open to 7th & 8th graders only. Look for signup information coming soon. PARENTS: Get your Pueblo windshield decal and show your school pride!

STAY TUNED: We are in the process of creating a website to replace our blog. Look for that information soon~

Monday, August 8, 2011

“A” & “B” Schedule Explained

We have lots of questions regarding the “A” & “B” Schedule. We hope the following will be helpful:

Every Monday and Thursday will be an “A” Day

Every Tuesday and Friday will be a “B” Day

Wednesdays will rotate weekly between the A and B Days. Week 1 will be an A day. Week 2 will be a B day. Etc.

The only classes affect by the switching are the electives. Students attend all core classes each and every day regardless of the A or B schedule.

The schedule is listed in the Student’s Planner as a reference. Fortunately, the kids are better at these types of things than we are! They will catch on quickly :)

The teachers and school are amazing. They will help the kids along the way. This is the 2nd year that our district has implemented this rotation. It went extremely smoothly last year and I expect the same will occur this year!

If you have additional questions, the front office can help.