The carnival was a magnificent event! We estimate that there were 1,500+ people there at one time. WOW!
A Special Thank You to:
Clint Hoback who set the atmosphere with great music all night long! It would NOT have been the same without him!
Lucidity! Live music for an entire hour was a tremendous bonus! It was exciting to watch our very own Bulldogs and Bulldog Alumni. They are an amazingly talented group! Band members are: Joey Piccirilli, Vincent Piccirilli, Conner Libera, Ryan Orr and Justin Price. You guys ROCK!
Pueblo Administration, Teachers and Staff! These people have worked so very hard behind the scenes to help work out the details of this event. From the front office fielding questions and storing donations, to the administration who helped every single step of the way, to the teachers who volunteered and talked it up in class, to Frank our maintenance guru who made all the kinks go away -
Student Council! Thanks advisors and students for the help with the cake walk and for allowing us to Pie the Student Body President, Tyler Thompson!
NJHS, National Junior Honor Society students were a huge help setting up, running stations and cleaning up the aftermath!
PTO Board! For the assistance with details and support in every way! From sorting and counting money to editing fliers and bandaging the injured.
Volunteers! Without these awesome parents and students who volunteered – we could NOT have done this night. YOU ARE THE BEST! Many of you stepped in last minute to help where needed.
Students! These kids are amazing! Who would have thought that you could get HUNDREDS of middle school students together for 4 hours and have them behave so very well?!?! We truly have great kids at Pueblo!
Carnival Committee! This group of women are unbelievable. Pueblo has NEVER had a carnival before, and being the first is NOT an easy task. You were essentially inventing the wheel! They did it beautifully and produced a spectacular event that far exceeded anyone’s expectations. Chairs: Christina Lewis and Mary Farnsley. Committee Members: Sarah Lewis, Mary Farmer and Tammy Schick
Hours upon hours of work went into this – so we would also like to the the families of the committee members. Thanks families for supporting us by supporting them!
We defiantly achieved our goal-
We brought the Community Together at Pueblo!
Hooray Bulldogs!