Pueblo School Calendar

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pretzel Donations Needed

We need pretzel donations for the upcoming Courage Retreats. If you can donate individual prepackaged pretzels by Monday it would be greatly appreciated!

Busy weekend? We will also take monetary donations – make checks payable to Pueblo PTO and write “Courage Retreats” in the memo line and we will shop for you.

All donations should be turned in to Pueblo’s office by Monday, 9/14. Please label donations “Courage Retreats”.



What is a Courage Retreat?

“The kids will be learning to have the Courage to stand up for each other, themselves and stand up for what is right. It is about making our school a place where our students and staff feel safe and treat each other with respect.

We are asking the students' caregivers for a voluntary contribution of $8.00. It is an expensive undertaking which is why we have narrowed it down to 2 days for grades 6 and 7 instead of the recommended 3 days. The event will take place in our gym on September 16 and 17. The Wednesday retreat will run from 8:15-1:45 and Thursday will be from 9:45-3:15. Students will have lunch at their normal time, and we are asking them to bring in a sack lunch or purchase one from our cafeteria. (students on free or reduced lunch can still purchase at their normal fee).

We truly believe these are worthwhile events for our community and plan to continue these Retreats in the following years.”

-Julie Jaskolski, Pueblo School Counselor

Retreats presented by Youth Frontier Organization

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