Pueblo School Calendar

Click here to view our calendar:

Monday, September 28, 2009

Carnival Fun!

Pueblo’s 1st Fall Carnival will be a


to Remember!


Nov. 6th






Rock Wall, Giant Slide, Obstacle Course with Slide, Bouncers, Hamster Balls, 4-Man Joust, Human Bowling, Ladder Climb, Spinning Barrel, Jail, Games, Auction




Texas Roadhouse BBQ

$5 Adult Meals

BBQ Pork Sandwich, Baked Beans & Cole Slaw

$3 Kid Meals

Hot Dog, Baked Beans & Chips


Live Music & A DJ!


*Our goal is to bring everyone together with this event. We strongly encourage families to attend.

Come enjoy the fun! Bring your family, friends & neighbors – plan to stay & play! This is a grand opportunity to get to know other parents and families while building a stronger Pueblo Community

Thursday, September 17, 2009




Join the fun and dress for the theme of the day!!










Pueblo SPIRIT DAY! WEAR YOUR PUEBLO TEE for the Pep Assembly!

8th grade is Black; 7th grade is gray; 6th grade is maroon




  • Friday, September 25th at the end of the day
  • Officer Dieu will be singing the National Anthem!
  • The Mountain Pointe Salsa Dance Team will be performing!
  • SPIRIT STICK CHALLENGE: Will the 8th grade continue their reign OR will the 6th grade make more noise!

- Coming Soon -

Stay tuned for more info on the Fall



  • Friday October 30 immediately after school
  • Teams may wear costumes!!
  • Concessions will be available!

-All of this made possible by your Pueblo Student Council. Thank You StuCo!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fall Carnival Letter

The following letter will be sent home via your child’s AC Lab teacher in the next couple of days:

Pueblo Parents:

We are excited to announce that Pueblo will be celebrating together on Friday, November 6th for our very first Fall Carnival! Thanks to the hard work of our PTO Fall Festival Committee we have several fantastic family events planned for that evening.

It is our goal to bring families together and build Pueblo as a community. We hope that by gearing this carnival toward not only students but parents, siblings and friends we will become one big “Pueblo Family”.

Come enjoy a REAL BBQ dinner, put your kid (or his teacher) in jail for only $1, challenge your child to a rock wall climb-off – you will be blown-away by how much fun we have in store for you!

The purpose of this email is two-fold. We would first and foremost like for each of you to mark Friday, November 6th from 5:00-9:00pm on your calendars as “Pueblo Family Carnival”! Secondly, we are looking for help to make this event as memorable as possible.

We have a few items on our ‘wish list’. If you have access to any of the below items and are willing to donate your time/talents to Pueblo, please contact Christina Lewis our committee chairperson (623-680-2327) christinaL13@hotmail.com . You can also contact PTO directly Pueblo-PTO@cox.net .

  • Lighting – large outdoor lights and generators. These are incredibly expensive to rent, if you have some we can borrow or know someone who may give us a great deal – contact us ASAP.
  • DJ – the night would not be complete without music! Even if you are not a professional but have the equipment we want you! Have a cousin/neighbor/friend willing to donate time or work inexpensively? – send us their info!
  • Volunteers – willing to work a booth for a shift or two? We will need LOTS of manpower that evening. Jobs will be easy – this is a fun way to get to know other parents!
  • Donations – beverages, cakes, etc. If you are willing to donate items, let us know. We will contact you when the event gets a little closer and let you know what the needs are.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pretzel Donations Needed

We need pretzel donations for the upcoming Courage Retreats. If you can donate individual prepackaged pretzels by Monday it would be greatly appreciated!

Busy weekend? We will also take monetary donations – make checks payable to Pueblo PTO and write “Courage Retreats” in the memo line and we will shop for you.

All donations should be turned in to Pueblo’s office by Monday, 9/14. Please label donations “Courage Retreats”.



What is a Courage Retreat?

“The kids will be learning to have the Courage to stand up for each other, themselves and stand up for what is right. It is about making our school a place where our students and staff feel safe and treat each other with respect.

We are asking the students' caregivers for a voluntary contribution of $8.00. It is an expensive undertaking which is why we have narrowed it down to 2 days for grades 6 and 7 instead of the recommended 3 days. The event will take place in our gym on September 16 and 17. The Wednesday retreat will run from 8:15-1:45 and Thursday will be from 9:45-3:15. Students will have lunch at their normal time, and we are asking them to bring in a sack lunch or purchase one from our cafeteria. (students on free or reduced lunch can still purchase at their normal fee).

We truly believe these are worthwhile events for our community and plan to continue these Retreats in the following years.”

-Julie Jaskolski, Pueblo School Counselor

Retreats presented by Youth Frontier Organization

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The President’s Message

An Informed Parent is an Involved Parent!

View the speech that our children saw today here. Use this as an opportunity to have a discussion with your kids.

Charles Kettering said, “High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation”.

Fun this Friday!

Pueblo’s Student Council Presents:

6th Grade Social

7th & 8th Grade Dance

Friday, September 11th

6th Grade Social: 3:30-4:30

7th & 8th Grade Dance: 5:00-6:30

THEME: Red White & Blue

$2 gets you in the door. StuCo will be selling concessions (soda, chips, candy) for $1 each. Glo-sticks are $1 each and Red/White/Blue Beads are 3 for $1

What parents want to know:  At the social there is music and lots of soda and candy consumed. The 6th graders participate in line dances (Macarena, YMCA, Cha Cha slide, etc), and generally jump around and have fun.

The 7th & 8th graders jump around and scream a little less, but basically it’s the same.

There is plenty of adult supervision at both events and Student Council students do all the work. Parents are certainly welcome to attend and watch. (although not many parents do)

6th graders go to their social directly from school. Pick them up outside of the west gymnasium entrance. The kids leave the event when it is over and wait for you outside the gym doors. 7th and 8th graders are dropped off and picked up in the same area.

Children do not need to be signed in or out.

NYPD Pizza Flier

Print this flier and bring it with you to NYPD on Wednesday, September 16!

NYPD Pizza Flier

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Help @ Pueblo!

Volunteers to help in Pueblo's Workroom
making copies, cutting things out, grading papers, etc
Commitment would be one day a month for 1-2 hours
On Tuesday or Friday, time of day is flexible

Send us an email PuebloPTO@hotmail.com