eScrip is the program that Safeway uses to give money back to schools. YOU MUST SIGN UP ONLINE TO PARTICIPATE!
Go to to get started. If you were previously enrolled you will need to RENEW. If you are new to the program – you will need to sign up. BE SURE THAT UNDER YOUR NAME AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE – IT SAYS “KYRENE DEL PUEBLO MIDDLE SCHOOL”! If it does not, you will need to go to my eScrip (in the top tool bar) and follow the prompts to change. It may take up to 24 hours for changes to show on the page.
Our PTO primarily uses this program to earn money from Safeway. However, there are a few national and southwestern merchants that you may choose to link your information to. Browse the list of participating vendors online.
Right now Safeway is running a special promotion! See information below:
Start Shopping now through September 14th!
can earn 10% of your purchase amounts on thousands of participating products. Shop now, the top 100 schools will receive an additional $1,000 bonus!
Important Dates:
August 11 - Program Starts
September 14 - Program Ends September 18 - Program Redemption Begins and Receipt Prints Start
October 9 - Receipt Prints End
October 13 - Program Redemption Ends
• Program updates can be found in your local store and at
• Download the shopping list for the program