Pueblo School Calendar

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

A B Schedule Changes

There will be a change to the typical A B Schedule that Pueblo is familar with. District policy was changed and the new rotation will go as follows:

Every Monday and Thursday will be an “A” Day

Every Tuesday and Friday will be a “B” Day

Wednesdays will rotate weekly between the A and B Days. Week 1 will be an A day. Week 2 will be a B day. Etc.

The only classes affect by the switching are the electives. Students attend all core classes each and every day regardless of the A or B schedule.

Additional information will be coming from the school shortly. Fortunately, the kids are better at these types of things than we are! They will catch on quickly :)

The teachers and school are amazing. They will help the kids along the way. I feel confident that this switch will go quickly and smoothly for our kidos!

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