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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Letter regarding district budget concerns.

Dear Kyrene Community,

As you probably know, the Kyrene School District is nationally recognized for its excellent reputation.  The District is located in established vs. growing neighborhoods and has experienced declining enrollment in the past. State funding is based mainly on student enrollment.  However, for the first time in many years enrollment is stable and on the increase.  This is a positive development but, due to the state’s economic crisis, the Kyrene budget has decreased by over 10% in the past three years. In 2008-09 it was approximately $107 million and is predicted to be approximately $95 million for 2011-12.

You can learn about the 2011-12 budget at Governing Board Meetings and upcoming Community Forums: 

Tuesday, 4/26 at 7:00 p.m. – Next Governing Board Meeting, District Office Ben Furlong Center Board Room, 8700 South Kyrene Road, Tempe, 85284

Wednesday, 5/4 at 6:30 p.m. - Community Forum, District Office, Ben Furlong Center Board Room, 8700 South Kyrene Road, Tempe, 85284

Thursday, 5/12 at 6:30 p.m. -  Community Forum, Centennial Middle School, 13808 S. 36th Street. Phoenix, 85044

While other districts have closed schools and eliminated special programs like Art, Library, Music and P.E., Kyrene values experiences for children in all content areas including the special area classes.

Kyrene has been able to avoid cuts like these by:

• freezing employee wages

• using available Cash Reserves (savings account)

• reducing staff

Kyrene has had amazing community support to raise funds through bonds and overrides. These funds help us:

• reduce class size

• provide state-of-the-art technology learning tools that are integrated into children’s learning, making Kyrene’s technology program a national model

• secure our campuses

• maintain our buildings

• purchase buses

During the Kyrene budget process, over 130 efficiency ideas were brainstormed.

Which of these considerations would specifically affect your child’s school?  Things being considered include:

1. Cuts to Administration

2. Program Reductions/Efficiencies

a. Elementary School Special Areas scheduling**

b. Transportation – Middle School Start & End Times

c. Gifted Program scheduling

d. Prevention Services

e. Substitute Budget

3. Class Size Range Adjustments*

Other ways to gather information on the budget process include:

Governing Board Meetings and Study Sessions in person or via video - (Next meeting is Tuesday, 4/26)

The Superintendent/Kyrene parent Video Sessions

The Budget Pages (which include FAQ’s, Facts and Myths and a Feedback section)

• Talk with your Parent Superintendent Council (PSC) representative.  (On a monthly basis each school sends a person to a meeting with me and we have provided them with facts on the budget)

Thank you for being a part of the Kyrene Elementary School District. While budget struggles have forced us to operate with reduced revenue for some time now, we are working hard to ensure that, despite those reductions, the community can continue to be proud of the education our children receive.


Dr. David Schauer


*Class size is determined by ranges (Kindergarten is 23-25, 1st grade is 25-27, etc.) and if we raise that range by one or two then some classrooms could be larger.  However, we do have some dollars that will be applied specifically to the primary grades to lower class sizes in K-3.

**We are studying possible changes in scheduling for Elementary Library, Music, Art and P.E.  However, none of these programs will be cut out of the student experience.  For more information on this study, visit www.kyrene.org/k8

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