Pueblo School Calendar

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Monday, August 8, 2011

“A” & “B” Schedule Explained

We have lots of questions regarding the “A” & “B” Schedule. We hope the following will be helpful:

Every Monday and Thursday will be an “A” Day

Every Tuesday and Friday will be a “B” Day

Wednesdays will rotate weekly between the A and B Days. Week 1 will be an A day. Week 2 will be a B day. Etc.

The only classes affect by the switching are the electives. Students attend all core classes each and every day regardless of the A or B schedule.

The schedule is listed in the Student’s Planner as a reference. Fortunately, the kids are better at these types of things than we are! They will catch on quickly :)

The teachers and school are amazing. They will help the kids along the way. This is the 2nd year that our district has implemented this rotation. It went extremely smoothly last year and I expect the same will occur this year!

If you have additional questions, the front office can help.

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